Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Micro Camper How Much

Cross and resurrection - Jesus Christ

For Parents Ask:
From RPZ Heilsbronn there for the primary school letters to parents excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic. Unfortunately, there is none for the primary school, so I started to write them yourself.
any time you may copy, modify and use! Any suggestions I am grateful.

Elternbrief 6th Class secondary school, subject area, 6.2 crucifixion and resurrection - Jesus Christ

Dear parents,
in the next few days starts called by the Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Lent. Many Christians use this 7 weeks before Easter to reflect on their lives. The Protestant church supports it, this year under the motto "I threw - 7 weeks without excuses."

Easter: the cross ...
The reason for the reflection in the time before Easter is that Easter for a new beginning of life is. Z is u m joyous celebration Easter also the suffering of Christ.
look in religious education, we at this time of suffering (Lent) from the perspective of the Emmaus disciples, your experiences describe with Jesus, their hopes of freeing that Jesus occupied Israel, is their fear is arrested as he and her disappointment dies when he . If the disciples ran years behind her life of a crazy idea?
Certainly, also, you had already experienced disappointments in life. Hopes that have not been fulfilled. Even their children have them and we do in religious education, they come with their expectations, hopes and disappointments to let word e n.

... and resurrection
the Evangelist Luke, the disciples of Emmaus that meet a stranger, be comforted by him and later, realize that Jesus himself was. Experience: Jesus lives and he stands with the people in hard times. The Emmaus disciples draw so new to live.
This is a very personal experience. In religion class we will discuss whether this experience can help us.

suggestions for a conversation with your child
  • Think about how you feel about suffering and resurrection.
  • Replace with your child openly about disappointing in his and your life.
  • Locate the conversation with others, for example, with their pastor or her pastor if you have any questions.
If the issue still interested, here are some recommendations for further reading:
  • http://www.7wochenohne.evangelisch.de/: action of the Evangelical Church in Germany.
  • http://www.evangelisch-glauben.de: Nuremberg resurrection stories and hope.
  • Jürgen Roloff, Jesus. Verlag CH Beck, 8,95 €: factual information on Jesus.

Saturday, February 26, 2011

Protein Supplement Tablets

[Swatches] Max Factor package (: My

about a week ago came to my Max Factor package I won on Facebook. Thank you again for this!

were includes:
a False Lash Effect Mascara in Black Brown
A Lipfinity Essential catwalk colors duo in Essential Burgundy
A lipstick in the color of Amber

As can be seen clearly, the lipstick some shimmer particles that also the lips more shiny, metallic finish left.

Lipfinity The duo works like any other duo lipstick you wear the color first, then lets them dry and refreshing with a pen glosses or care to ever again. When Max Factor this is a balm, which I personally like better (: tried
Did the whole schonmal and the color has survived a night out without problems (:

If someone lip swatches or a more specific review will scream just

dearest greetings

Tuesday, February 22, 2011

Silver Wrapping Paper With Black Damask Pattern

Abikleider are there (:.

(Forgive the second photo, all had which I'm no pothead views were extremely vague: D)

meow meow, today I received a beautiful envelope from America (: have
Sorry for the totally inappropriate Gladiators, I simply the next best High-Heels snapped photos to make.
The left I would like to attract to the ball, the right perhaps to witness the award (though I think still has, it's for my taste, simply cut too deep ...)

for the cream I urgently need more shoes! Have to soft off-white high-heels designed, but no idea where should I start looking ... anyone ideas? 'm For any help appreciated (:?

How you like them
(I'm so excited can not wait that the exams are over and I concern myself only unimportant things like prom styling can: D)

Change Map Size Sim City 4

Fake fish sticks!

tofu sticks with spinach, rice and salad

The finished fried Tofusticks
Granted, the whole of the Formosan fake fish burgers are not ran my homemade Visch sticks. But I noticed later that this is not the rod itself is but because I had prepared no tartar sauce. The remoulade is the whole that is the ultimate fake-fish-kick. The rods without tasting tartar sauce but very tasty. My guinea pigs, they were too "fishy". The basic recipe I stole here and there a little altered. I have one based on marinating the tofu all the algae and algae-Sud inc marinade mashed together in a blender and use the resulting sauce to the batter. That is the tofu in the sauce business, and enter into the breadcrumbs. The aim of the exercise was that more "sea taste" occurs when the algae stuck in the breading. This has, in my opinion worth it. As noted already has vegan Dominik von -and-tasty , to me the preparation of the rods appears to be quite expensive and not really suitable for everyday use. As I prepared the same but about 20 pieces, I had a good week's supply, which is very useful for the school (the vegan offering at my school leaves much to be desired).

Sunday, February 20, 2011


I'd like to spend my weekends with you, and weekdays too ...

A pleasant evening during the week. First, my beloved picture book of very beautiful Dita considered, then the Kalkofes Mattscheibe watching paint nails (:?

What drives her so evening

Friday, February 18, 2011

Best Intake For 09 Altima Coupe

A shopping

to only briefly dm ...

had to kill two hours off
had before range conversion I have the. beautiful color unforgettable secured by p2 ... I must stop urgently to collect blue. The Holo-glitter top coat from the p2 make up parade LE Glitter indulging my current passion, as well as the black-lacquer MNY, who is also a lot of Glitter contains. (I love this 1 €-Grabbelkistchen! So I got myself so much that I would not have taken otherwise ...) The

new MNY-Lippies I find funny - the smell of artificial watermelon ultra: D The color is really nice but for me closely on my current dark pink-fuchsia-trip the right color. (I think I already have four lipsticks in color have, maybe I should even make a comparison ...)

tights! In NORMA there is currently great thermal tights and leggings for 4,99 € ... and since you can never have enough leggings and tights, which I've taken in dark brown and dark blue - so far I am very excited ♥

Oh, and a new cardigan. It is love!

still wish you a wonderful Rest week, soon is weekend! (:
xxx Lena

Thursday, February 17, 2011

Ideas For An Ice Skating Party

reloaded planta table

last fall started planta table with the first vegan cooking class in Zurich. Since the whole thing went so well and we were given by the guests consistently positive feedback we have decided to go another round. On 5 March 2011 so it again - swings planta table again the wooden spoon. The menu is the same as the last time, in addition, it is but with a seasonal salad with a spicy cocktail sauce enriched.

Who would like to register (there are a few places left), the do here.

We look forward to a successful, tasty evening :-)

Tuesday, February 15, 2011

Cervix Low Open Period

[outfit] We do not fight fair

This shirt by C & A is one of my favorite, but I had long ceased to combined with my beloved studded boots and an old jacket I got it but then the other day yet again. . taken out of the closet

Despite 11cm sales plateau and these beauties are really comfortable shoes also are prominent in my opinion a nice way to spice up a simple outfit (:.?

you like it What is your favorite outfit in the transition period?

Friday, February 11, 2011

Only Heart Club Band Outfit

. Finally ...

My tattoo is healed! ♥

Monday, February 7, 2011

Grater Sunbeam Le Chef

new favorite shower gel (:!

I would never have thought, in time for children to traipse dm shelf if I had not seen in a video of the sweet Ladiesfirstify the Princess Star Magic Shower Gel .

It smells like mango! . (:
I like tropical scents
Above all, I've taken it, because it is pH neutral and panthenolhaltig - at the time my tattoo was still healing and I was tired of odorless Showers: D (Tattoos should be wash in the first few weeks with pH-neutral soap, not to interfere with the healing process.)

The Glitter is indeed contained in the shower funny does not remain on the skin ... now I'm not sad about it: D

The smell is certainly a matter of taste, but the get it like this for under 2 € a shower gel, which some advantages in terms of skin tolerance to workers (:

Do you use even children's products? ;)

Saturday, February 5, 2011

Used Vegetable Oil For Sale

party photos ...

Who does not know me, I'm right in the picture;)

Hach yes, party photos, a love-hate ...
Especially when you take pictures at a later hour, one is on the extensive retouching but sometimes very grateful. Shiny bodies and make-up are simply slipped weggeweichzeichnet and it looks like freshly peeled back from the egg.

Or even like freshly risen from the grave, as in my case.
It happened to me again and again: By the standard of Blur and the contrast enhancement contours me all wiped from the face and my face is a single white space ... I like to wear flashy or dark lip color does not make it better. Together with the 50's eyeliner I see a little bit like a discarded porcelain doll: Understands D

not get me wrong, unlike my fellow man, which I often describe as a sickly / cheesy / deathly pale, I love my pale skin (: I would love to just sometimes, image editing programs I would be a bit more substance: D

(On the lips I wear the way the Zoeva Lip Crayon in Raspberry, which comes across quite true color (:)

Thursday, February 3, 2011

Cruising Places For Gay Men


Pardon the recent video flood, there is a lack I currently simply to light and time for pictures ... I'll soon be time set a daylight lamp, I can perhaps make the evening clever photos

Until then I hope you have a little patience with me (:.

Lena xxx

Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Write A Confidentiality Clause?

people ask for God - God asks the people

For Parents Ask:
From RPZ Heilsbronn there for the primary school letters to parents excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic. Unfortunately, there is none for the primary school, so I started to write them yourself.
any time you may copy, modify and use! Any suggestions I am grateful.

Elternbrief 6th Secondary school class, topics area 6.1 people ask for God - God asks man.

Dear parents,

how to put yourself before God? Could you paint him spontaneously? Or describe? Maybe you fall in the word "God" also includes memories of childhood and youth. One thing is certain: Everyone has a different idea of God.

My idea of God ...
Our ideas of God are to a large extent dependent on what we in our Life experience of God and as we have experienced it.
In religious education we want to make in the near future to search for God. Of course, God is in religious education before more or less directly, but this time to the ideas of God very aware of your child in the spotlight. At the same time we will look at two ideas of God in the Bible. I am very curious to see how much these ideas are similar or different.

Talk to God!
quite central for the Christian image of God is that God is not a distant God, but always responsive. Therefore, We will also talk about prayers: How can I pray? Contribute prayers? God answers? Why is the Our Father is so important? Surely we can not solve these issues completely, but we will try to find some answers.

suggestions for a conversation with your child
hardly a topic is as exciting as the theme of "God." Please talk to your child about why our lesson topic. Here are some suggestions:
  • Let your child describe how it looks just God.
  • Describe your ideas about God.
  • Be aware of what has shaped you in their faith.
  • What do you think about prayer?

If the issue still interested, here are some recommendations for further reading: http://www.evangelisch.de/kompass/glauben-und
  • live-: Various issues of faith easily resolved naturally
  • http://www.gott.net : "being" bulletin board on the web
  • http://www.e-gebet.de : A brief suggestion for prayer
  • William P. Young: The Shack - A weekend with God: A man whose daughter was murdered after sexual abuse, meets at crime scene on God, accusing him. Readable novel, translated into 34 languages, sold millions of copies. There
RPZ Heilsbronn
it for the primary school letters to parents
excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic:
your XYZ

Sunday, January 30, 2011

Congratualations Phrases

So long, SYOSS

long time I was faithful user of the first aid Smoothing Conditioner by John Frieda .
After a discussion with my Mum I myself have agreed to it to use instead the much more favorable SYOSS, which indeed is "Professional Hair Care ...
In short, it was a disaster.

I've actually used a long time and tried to give him a chance, I think it is now empty and up to 3 / 4 ... but I'm not any longer. Although I've ever really used it much, I have very little "conditioning" felt. I have very many and very thick hair and combing after that was a disaster, or not possible.

Now I use again a hazelnut-sized amount of John Frieda-conditioner and hair have the happiest in the world. I know that it takes a lot of silicones containing ... But honestly? It tames my hair like no other tank, I fight a lot less with "Frizzel" hair and my natural waves are defined beautiful.
This is it worth it.

The argument "which is so expensive ..." is only partly true. In Rossmann and Müller are the things constantly on offer, mostly reduced by 30-50%. I think at our Muller is the half-year period since NEM offer for € 3.95 ...

As long as it does not leave the range, I will never buy back another rinse!

Wednesday, January 26, 2011

White Flim On My Clitoris

Lena on LE-hunting ...

Hello Beauties!

I due a favorable timetable Wednesday on all have no school today I once used the morning to go shopping a bit.
I usually only visit the miller and the dm, which are close to my school, but due to the high school: there (inside D) density, the LEs usually sold out faster than you can see. Particularly annoying was the Urban Baroque LE, but where I really wanted to have a highlighter powder. So today I've
times with the car in the more remote and Müller dms go ... and lo! Less students = bulging LE-displays and vintage pieces in the right Grabbelkästchen: D

Here my shop:

Maybelline Volume Express Mascara - catrice Illuminating Powder (Urban Baroque LE) - alverde Geleyeliner Mareike (Best Friend LE) - alverde baked Rouge Berry (last line change: D) - alverde Eyeshadow Brush - Essence liquid eyeliner Buddy Bear (I love Berlin LE)

Mascara is an experiment, I'm looking at the time a drugstore mascara that really makes a lot of volume ... If anyone has suggestions, bring it on!

swatches (with flash, but color-fast) was allowed

A new skin care product with: is

my dry, sensitive skin that is in the winter time like a little diva ... 'm looking forward to trying again, for heating air I'm not at all that is good: Have /

it is also the problem with constantly sold-out LEs?

Wednesday, January 19, 2011

3rd Birthday Verse For Invitations

Soft Smokey Eye with Bobbi Brown and alverde

My Bobbi Brown palette I've got the latest video already shown (: It contains two great Shimmer Wash, Glacier (cream) and Pewter (mauve-ig: D), and the known Eyeshadow Charcoal, a matte black . Since I've geswatcht the range for the first time, I thought that would fit the ideal Pewter alverde glam baked eye shadow in mauve - at the last party I've tried the same times (:

Here are the results:

Interior angle / Highlighter: BB Glacier - Lid: BB Pewter - Outer third: alverde glam mauve - eyeliner: BB Charcoal
sample of Dior Extase Intense - p2 perfect look Kajal

excuse the stupid look and the light conditions, I was a little bit hurry;)

cheeks: MNY 301 - lips: MAC Myth

For some, this is still not a real Smokey Eye, but I like lighter variations of it very much - just mauvige tones I find perfect for this. And ooooh, I'm completely in love with the Bobbi Brown Shimmer Wash! In the pictures you can already imagine a bit how good they really shine (:

Like you? Her make-up like this also like Smokey Eyes? / Variations?

Tuesday, January 18, 2011

Air Mattress Replacement Cap

competition at Miss unwritten

Oh my ... I'm currently so rarely read the blogs that I had almost missed the competition of the love miss unwritten : (
But it ends, thank God only today, so I can still join (:

Look at her blog to necessarily to adopt super lot of work and takes great pictures (:

Thursday, January 13, 2011

Hot Indian Women In Saris Showing Boobs

deal with power - David

letter to parents. Unfortunately, there is none for the primary school, so I've started to write them yourself.

any time you may copy, modify and use! Any suggestions I am grateful.

Elternbrief 6th Class secondary school, subjects ranges 6.4 to deal responsibly with power - David

[Here an introductory review]

David - with Power Handle
for your child and me now has the exciting topic of "power" began. Whether in the form of laws, politicians, bosses or material constraints: power is a fact of life. With the students I have asked myself, what affects their lives: Besides you, the parents, for example, friends were mentioned. Right now, at the beginning of puberty, the question of power for the students is current, because they always go to the critical issue of power. The interesting questions are: How do you become powerful? What causes power? Is it changing people? Use the power in his power to benefit all or abused them for themselves? If he listens to when a warning of abuse of power? A glance at the newspaper proves that these issues are highly topical. That you were 3000 years ago, when the people of Israel got its first kings. to hand the stories of King David of the questions above can be investigated well. David was held Saul as king, used his power for the good of all, they abused but also had to ensure the mirror can hold and repented. Ever since King David is considered the flagship King of Israel.

suggestions for a conversation with your child
  • Ask your child about who he believes has power over it. Are you a parent? How this is perceived?
  • Tell me about your own experience of power: who was powerful in her family? Who or what is powerful in your life?

If the issue still interested, I would like to recommend you read the literature:
  • The Bible, (eg www.the-bibel.de): 1 Samuel 8-1. Kings 2: The stories of David
  • http://www.wibilex.de (keyword: David) For more information on King David.
  • http://www.hanisauland.de: website of the Federal Agency for Civic Education for children to power and policy today.

Fsx Airbrakes Controls

Rhythms of Life - The Church Year

For Parents Ask:
From RPZ Heilsbronn there for the primary school letters to parents excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic. Unfortunately, there is none for the primary school, so I started to write them yourself.
any time you may copy, modify and use! Any suggestions I am grateful.

Elternbrief 6th Class secondary school, subject area 6.6: rhythms of life - everyday and holiday (the ecclesiastical year)

[Here, if necessary an appropriate introduction]

The rhythm of life
Our current theme is the rhythm of life. But what does this mean? Our whole life is dominated by rhythm, while listening to some songs you may have already automatically mitgeklopft the clock. Another rhythm in life is to change the tension and relaxation. For example, should provide a week of efforts in the Sunday school and working for relaxation: A day at the one after a full week not have to work - a gift! Unfortunately, it works often for different reasons. In class we go on the trail of the gift on Sunday and thought about what it would look like a wonderful Sunday. While their children have interesting and very different ideas. You might ask simply, even at Your child how his / her dream Sunday looked.

a different pace, we are in front of the Calendar: The calendar year. However, this is not the only one-year cycle: the thinks in football game days, in the supermarkets is already September and Christmas in the Church has its own annual events. With this we will work intensively and meet him during the school year and over again.

You see, the rhythm of life affects not only the literature of religion, but life itself. I hope you have already got the desire to talk to your child about the issue and a View to throw religion into the issue. For a possible meeting with your child, I leave you with some suggestions:

suggestions for a conversation with your child
  • Ask your child to his / her dream Sunday. What should this day? Perhaps this can be realized, too little ...
  • Consider the different rhythms with your child in your family. Maybe you realize how well they match or even discover new possibilities.
  • is relaxation one of the most important and most beautiful things in life. Decide together where you and your child can relax.

If the issue still interested, I would gladly recommend literature read to:

Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Best Liquid Plumber For A Slow Drain

[Video! ] Online Shopping!

Absolute "schööööön" Overkill: D
In this light it is easy less frustrating to blow bubbles into a camera to take photos as ...

I must say that I am impressed by the whole Zoeva stuff pretty. Do you have what it already?