Tuesday, March 1, 2011

Micro Camper How Much

Cross and resurrection - Jesus Christ

For Parents Ask:
From RPZ Heilsbronn there for the primary school letters to parents excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic. Unfortunately, there is none for the primary school, so I started to write them yourself.
any time you may copy, modify and use! Any suggestions I am grateful.

Elternbrief 6th Class secondary school, subject area, 6.2 crucifixion and resurrection - Jesus Christ

Dear parents,
in the next few days starts called by the Ash Wednesday, Lent, and Lent. Many Christians use this 7 weeks before Easter to reflect on their lives. The Protestant church supports it, this year under the motto "I threw - 7 weeks without excuses."

Easter: the cross ...
The reason for the reflection in the time before Easter is that Easter for a new beginning of life is. Z is u m joyous celebration Easter also the suffering of Christ.
look in religious education, we at this time of suffering (Lent) from the perspective of the Emmaus disciples, your experiences describe with Jesus, their hopes of freeing that Jesus occupied Israel, is their fear is arrested as he and her disappointment dies when he . If the disciples ran years behind her life of a crazy idea?
Certainly, also, you had already experienced disappointments in life. Hopes that have not been fulfilled. Even their children have them and we do in religious education, they come with their expectations, hopes and disappointments to let word e n.

... and resurrection
the Evangelist Luke, the disciples of Emmaus that meet a stranger, be comforted by him and later, realize that Jesus himself was. Experience: Jesus lives and he stands with the people in hard times. The Emmaus disciples draw so new to live.
This is a very personal experience. In religion class we will discuss whether this experience can help us.

suggestions for a conversation with your child
  • Think about how you feel about suffering and resurrection.
  • Replace with your child openly about disappointing in his and your life.
  • Locate the conversation with others, for example, with their pastor or her pastor if you have any questions.
If the issue still interested, here are some recommendations for further reading:
  • http://www.7wochenohne.evangelisch.de/: action of the Evangelical Church in Germany.
  • http://www.evangelisch-glauben.de: Nuremberg resurrection stories and hope.
  • Jürgen Roloff, Jesus. Verlag CH Beck, 8,95 €: factual information on Jesus.


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