Tuesday, February 1, 2011

How To Write A Confidentiality Clause?

people ask for God - God asks the people

For Parents Ask:
From RPZ Heilsbronn there for the primary school letters to parents excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic. Unfortunately, there is none for the primary school, so I started to write them yourself.
any time you may copy, modify and use! Any suggestions I am grateful.

Elternbrief 6th Secondary school class, topics area 6.1 people ask for God - God asks man.

Dear parents,

how to put yourself before God? Could you paint him spontaneously? Or describe? Maybe you fall in the word "God" also includes memories of childhood and youth. One thing is certain: Everyone has a different idea of God.

My idea of God ...
Our ideas of God are to a large extent dependent on what we in our Life experience of God and as we have experienced it.
In religious education we want to make in the near future to search for God. Of course, God is in religious education before more or less directly, but this time to the ideas of God very aware of your child in the spotlight. At the same time we will look at two ideas of God in the Bible. I am very curious to see how much these ideas are similar or different.

Talk to God!
quite central for the Christian image of God is that God is not a distant God, but always responsive. Therefore, We will also talk about prayers: How can I pray? Contribute prayers? God answers? Why is the Our Father is so important? Surely we can not solve these issues completely, but we will try to find some answers.

suggestions for a conversation with your child
hardly a topic is as exciting as the theme of "God." Please talk to your child about why our lesson topic. Here are some suggestions:
  • Let your child describe how it looks just God.
  • Describe your ideas about God.
  • Be aware of what has shaped you in their faith.
  • What do you think about prayer?

If the issue still interested, here are some recommendations for further reading: http://www.evangelisch.de/kompass/glauben-und
  • live-: Various issues of faith easily resolved naturally
  • http://www.gott.net : "being" bulletin board on the web
  • http://www.e-gebet.de : A brief suggestion for prayer
  • William P. Young: The Shack - A weekend with God: A man whose daughter was murdered after sexual abuse, meets at crime scene on God, accusing him. Readable novel, translated into 34 languages, sold millions of copies. There
RPZ Heilsbronn
it for the primary school letters to parents
excellent as an introduction to the current classroom topic:
your XYZ


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