Wednesday, December 27, 2006

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When we talk about impotence?

Medical distinguish two main forms of impotence:
impotentia coeundi = inability to exercise sexual intercourse.
impotentia gene randi =
infertility, infertility
impotence has a popularly, appraising, negative connotation. Therefore used the term no longer preferred and erectile dysfunction or Erectile dysfunction .

A handy definition of erectile dysfunction has formulated the German Society of Urology. It serves mostly as a guideline for diagnosis:

'Erectile Dysfunction is a chronic disease of at least 6 months' duration at least 70 percent of attempts to perform a sexual intercourse, are unsuccessful. "

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During sexual arousal run complex, highly sensitive operations in the body that can be easily disturbed.
First, you will be excited about the senses. Images, smells, sounds, touches, etc. Your imagination stimulate nerves via specific areas in your brain. The brain sends 'excitation signals' to the penis. In the arteries of the penis, an enzyme is activated, the muscles in the penis of blood vessels and smooth muscle of erectile tissue can sag. Blood now flows into the penis, the penis swells and becomes rigid. The veins carry blood back flows normally (in non-erect state) in the body are compressed, so that the penis remains rigid.

If you are affected by erectile dysfunction, it is important to note that an erection is caused by relaxation in the penis, increasing blood flow. Circulatory disorders and stress can affect an erection negative. How to help various forms of relaxation, pelvic floor exercises and movement in the longer term to strengthen your erection.

Refer to contact a doctor if you have more than 6 months with erectile dysfunction, the erectile dysfunction may indicate serious disease. wishes

Sunday, December 24, 2006

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Happy Holidays!

Merry Christmas, moments of magic and good health


the pelvic floor center in Basel

Wednesday, December 20, 2006

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What causes impotence?

Previously, we believe that erectile dysfunction (impotence) is mainly to psychological factors. Today we know that's severe erectile dysfunction (civilization) diseases or be a side effect of some drugs can. It is estimated that in young men cause more psychosomatic causes of erectile dysfunction in older men more organic.

The most common causes of erectile dysfunction are:
  • elevated blood fat levels, high cholesterol
  • arteriosclerosis (hardening of the arteries)
  • cardiovascular diseases (Eg, angina pectoris, high blood pressure)
  • diabetes mellitus (diabetes)
  • Neurological disorders (eg Parkinson's, multiple Slkerose)
  • pelvic surgery (eg hernia, prostate surgery)
  • injuries to the spine, pelvis or penis (eg herniated disc,
  • sedentary
  • alcohol consumption
  • overweight (BMI over 25)
  • nicotine
  • drug
On this list you can see that erection problems are partly a side effect of serious diseases. It is therefore extremely important that with your Doctor talk about your symptoms and health by checking thoroughly. Try not from any aid from without first clarify what is behind your erection problems you might otherwise overlook valuable information for your health. may have

Tuesday, December 19, 2006

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erectile dysfunction warn of heart attack

that erectile dysfunction originating in cardiovascular disorders is known to many. That warn against such interference can also have recently Milan doctors in one study confirmed.
The doctors found that men who suffered a heart attack years before, often suffering from erectile dysfunction. From
300 men who suffered from angina, had 65% of erectile dysfunction (impotence). In 93% of men with erectile dysfunction and angina pectoris passed pectoris erectile dysfunction have about 2 years before the angina.

Therefore, it is very important if you suffer from persistent erectile dysfunction, to be examined and cardiologists.

Friday, December 15, 2006

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as pelvic floor exercises the power strengthens

The pelvic floor is a group of muscles and connective tissue in the genital area. The muscles are stretched between the coccyx and the pubic bone and between the two seat bones. The seat bones feel two bumps when you sit on a chair with a hard seat. The pelvic floor muscles surround part of the penis and testicles.
And the best thing you can pelvic floor muscles just as well trained as any other muscle!

Targeted pelvic floor exercises
  • promotes blood circulation in the genital area. The erectile tissues are better supplied with blood, the blood flow during erection less rapidly, the penis during sex is more rigid.
  • encourages the perception. You can tighten the pelvic floor and relax targeted. This allows you to control your erection better.
  • strengthens the muscles surrounding the penis. This reinforces the sexual sensation and increases the pleasure. You can specifically prolong the erection.
  • Releases tension in the pelvic floor. A tense pelvic floor impedes the erection. During sexual stimulation relaxes the muscles of the blood vessels. Thus, the blood flow, the penis becomes rigid.

Thursday, December 14, 2006

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Yohimbine - a 'natural Viagra' With

yohimbine has been used since ancient times in Africa used to be a sexual enhancer. It comes from the bark of the tree won Yohimbe.
It is an activity of up to 60% in mild erectile dysfunction.

How does yohimbine?
yohimbine affects alpha-receptors in the brain that regulate norepinephrine. This promotes blood circulation in the genital area. Next affects dopamine and yohimbine other hormones that promote sexual arousal.

yohimbine has side effects: It can
tremor, trigger rapid heartbeat, circulation problems, dizziness and nausea. It is therefore advisable to consult a receipt with a physician. For full effect, yohimbine should be taken at least 14 days.

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Biofeedback potency

In biofeedback electrodes are taped to the pelvic floor or anal probe inserted into the anus. On one screen you can see how to tighten the pelvic floor muscles and relax.
goal is to treat erectile dysfunction, to consciously relax the pelvic floor, as most of the entire Pelvic muscles tense, the tone increases. A training of these muscles improves circulation to the penis and the pelvic floor, which is very important for a good erection.
biofeedback can be executed after an introduction by a professional (doctor, physical therapist, biofeedback therapist) at home themselves. It takes a daily regimen of 15 minutes for 2-6 months. Legitimate companies offer equipment for hire, electrodes, or anal probe you have to buy it.

Wednesday, December 13, 2006

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strengthen the pelvic floor

Sit on a stool. Drag your at the leading edge of the stool. Move your hips slightly back and forth, you feel two bumps, which are the Sitting bones.
Slide your fingers under the seat bones and pull together the sitting bones strong. You feel under the fingers, like something is moving? Between the sitting bones, the testes approach a little more excitement? Perfectly, which spanned here is your pelvic floor. Release the tension. (. You can, of course, the hands that take away under your buttocks)
Repeat the 'sit bone-to-contract dam' a few times now you pulsate with your pelvic floor: sitting bones move in together, easily solved - not quite let go pull together to solve, to resolve contract. Release the tension on the end is. Repeat this pulsing several times day.

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explore taboo: pain during sex. In men?

The key word is prostatopathy. A chronic pelvic pain syndrome. A disease whose cause is often unknown, affecting mostly young men aged 25-40 years. As with so many taboo crane characteristics also rife different names and categories. At the moment one makes one out of two. In prostatopathy one summarizes two chronic diseases: Chronic nonbacterial prostatitis and the Prostatadynie (nichtenzündliches chronic pelvic pain syndrome).

The causes are unclear and are indicated in literature as psychosomatic. Pathogens, despite chronic Prostate inflammation is not detectable.

  • tension and feeling of pressure behind the pubic bone
  • chills and burning sensation behind the pubic bone
  • feeling of pressure and / or pain in the perineum or pelvic floor and around the anus
  • pulling in the groin radiating to the testicles
  • voltage and / or pain in the lumbar
  • tenesmus and defecation
  • increased urination difficult urination

  • nocturnal urination dribbling
  • residual urine
  • burning at the end of the urethra
  • erectile dysfunction
  • pain during sex
  • Premature ejaculation
  • lack of feelings of pleasure
What can you do about it
  • medical examination
  • allow for heat while in the pelvic region, even at night
  • make a balanced diet
  • your weight (BMI below 25)
  • you avoid alcohol and hot spices
  • summer cold, wet swimwear replace
  • chronic cough, asthma and hay fever treatment
  • you avoid serious bodily work
  • you avoid long bike rides with uncomfortable bicycle saddles
  • Learn relaxation techniques such as Progressive Relaxation, Autogenic Training
  • you moving! Excellent are Yoga, Pilates, Nordic walking, swimming, dancing
  • make targeted pelvic floor training under professional guidance
  • you avoid stress
  • maintaining a good work-life balance
  • Talk with your partner / your partner about Their sufferings
  • Be careful with your psyche, you may make a psychotherapy

Tuesday, December 12, 2006

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trauma pelvic floor exercises impotence

'impotence describes a chronic disease, on the beat during the period of 6 months at least 70% of the attempts to make sexual intercourse fail. " (Definition of the German Society of Urology).

How far Erectile dysfunction (impotence) is spread is controversial. Studies have shown that suffers every 5th Man aged 30 and over temporarily from impotence. When it comes to impotence, the men are still speechless. There is still the same taboo as 40 years ago. Men suffering from impotence

to consider the problems usually wide circles: self-confidence, partnership, personality and quality of life of men are often massively out of balance. Usually it takes
much too long for a man to a specialist visits. It was just that important: impotence can result in serious diseases such as diabetes or cardiovascular diseases are.

Monday, December 11, 2006

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is also something for men?

You hear it over and over: pelvic floor exercises should be, more recently, for the man perfectly suited to resolve certain problems. This is actually the same way. Not just recently.

A few years ago examined the Cologne urologist Dr. Frank Sommer (his name is actually Dr. summer!) Several men with erectile dysfunction (erection problems). He divided them into two groups. One group was given Viagra, the other group completed a pelvic floor training. Just read and be amazed: the group with the pelvic floor training was more successful in coping with erectile dysfunction.

This brief report gives a hint: the pelvic floor also has something to do with arousal in men, sexuality, with sexual stamina, have even to do with orgasm.

pelvic floor training is suitable for men especially to:
  • erectile dysfunction (formerly pejorative impotence called)
  • Premature ejaculation
  • prostatitis
  • dyspareunia (pain during sex)
  • pelvic pain, back pain
  • dam pain
  • Hemorrhoids
  • hernia
  • incontinence after prostate surgery
  • Stuhlinkontinenz