Wednesday, January 10, 2007

Cute Rustic Wedding Invites

- Rider seat

Is rapid force in the crotch. You learn to flex the pelvic floor without using legs, buttocks and belly.

Starting position:
  • Sit on a chair, slide forward
  • open the legs to the side as far as it gets. The knees are exactly on the feet. Send
  • hands to cross the elbow gently to one side stretch
  • Align on, pull your back in the length
How it works:
  • activate your pelvic floor by the seat bones to dam draw.
  • Pull pubic bone and coccyx closer to the dam.
  • you pulsating with the pelvic floor: even more sitting bones to the dam, slightly loosen tense, easily loosen, tighten, loosen slightly. 30 times.
  • Set up again on, loosen the pelvic floor completely.
Increment: The pulsation
coordinate with the breath: (contract seat bones) with inhalation of the pelvic floor even more tense, loosen the exhalation. 30-40 times.

Friday, January 5, 2007

How To Make Ballet Shoes With Gumpaste

The dam

As a dam or perineum area between the anus and testicles approach is referred to. The dam is the center of the pelvic floor. Here all the muscle layers are linked. The skin of the perineum with many sensitive Nerve innervated, it makes this place so sensitive. The dam is a highly erogenous zone. Pressure on the dam can increase the erection and at the same time to delay. The dam-pressure is often used by men with premature ejaculation.

For the activation of the pelvic floor muscles you sit on a chair. Optimal when the seat is hard and flat. Take off your shoes. Sit up straight, feet hip distance apart, knees directly over your feet. Slip something on the chair back and forth. Feel the two bumps, where you sit? These are your seat bones. If you are sitting directly on these bones, you have a perfect fit. The back sits up, the hull stretches to the internal organs and spine are relieved.
Pull the two sitting bones along the dam. You feel more tension between the testicles. That's perfect. contract let go, let go.
Be very gentle with it, especially when feeling cold, pressure, tension or pain in the perineal area: not too much work with the muscles. They reinforce your other complaints.

your first basic exercise have learned: contract let sit bones to the dam, contract, contract-not-quite release. This is known to pulsate.

you pulsing with your pelvic floor 50 to 100 times per day. This promotes the perception of your power muscles, enhances your sexual performance and helps to delay the erection aware.

Wednesday, January 3, 2007

Soft Reset Shiny Eevee

Can it be prevented (n) impotence?

An erection occurs as a sensitive interplay between blood vessels and nervous system. If blood vessels and nerves intact, often will the erection. Provided, of course, the erectile dysfunction have no psychological cause. And this is actually at 80% of men Sun
are often harbingers of severe erectile dysfunction lifestyle diseases such as diabetes, cardiovascular disease, angina pectoris, etc. The risk factors for these diseases are also risk factors for low potency. Avoid those risks, you do what your power!

In plain language this means :
  • they move. The recommendations of the Federal Office for Sport (Switzerland) for effective health movement:
    daily 30 minutes of exercise such as stairs instead of elevators. Walking Bus
    place 3 times a week at least 20 minutes to sweat as jogging, Nordic walking, swimming, martial arts, soccer, etc.
    2x a week strength and flexibility as Power Yoga, Pilates, our pelvic floor exercises, etc.
  • alcohol in moderation.
  • Listen to on smoking. Smoking narrows the blood vessels and leads to hardening of the arteries. How 'he' will be there rain?
  • Eat a healthy diet. few, healthy fat (eg olive oil, fish, nuts), 5 times daily vegetables and fruits, please provide variety.
  • Watch your weight. A BMI between 2o-25 is optimal.
  • Train your pelvic floor.
  • Deal with your work-life balance. stress can physically and mentally ill. The annual cost of stress consequences are enormous!
These are some indications of what you can do for your 'penis-health'. If you already suffer from erectile dysfunction, talk to your Doctor. Your penis is a sort of 'antenna' for the metabolic syndrome (generic term for cardiovascular problems, high blood pressure, diabetes, etc.). Men often suffer from 5-7 years before a heart attack first time to erectile dysfunction!