Monday, November 22, 2010

Marithé François Girbaud Outlet

search: hot pink lips!

Perhaps an unusual year, but ...

sources: J. Crew Fall 2010 look book,

Is not worthy of worship (?
I wear at the time very often red lips, but slowly it seems to me almost normal again before ... now I really feel like screaming fuchsia!
in early film Scott Pilgrim vs. the World I admired Ramona magenta lips, but no later than these two images, it had happened to me ... I will too!

Can someone help me? Does / has anyone have a lipstick in such a color that he can recommend? (Even one with dark ticking)
I know there are some lipstick junkies among you ... ;)

Velveeta Rotel Chicken Pasta Commercial Recipe

mwaaaah ... ♥

I feel like all of you a chocolate Santa Claus make the front door, but the fuel costs would probably blow my budget: (
I hope you know anyway that you guys are great!

Saturday, November 20, 2010

Build Your On Converse

[TAG] boy or girl?

I love when a dancer leaves snapped that day and he laughed at me immediately so that I get involved because it must! (:

your young page

[] You love hoodies
[] You love jeans
[] dogs are better than cats
[x] It's funny when falling down people and hurt
[] You play against / with Boys on a team
[] shopping is horrible
[x] Sad movies are
shit [x] You own a console
[] You have a small child with Hot Wheels played
[] As a child, you wanted a fireman
[ ] you have a handheld
[have you] are are / were mad about Power Rangers
[You] look
Sport on TV [x] Bloodthirsty movies cool
[you] your father for advice
[ask] You have an award in the sport
[x] You Yu-Gi Oh played
[] Baggy pants are comfortable to wear
[] pajama parties are strange
[x] green, black, red, silver, blue are some of your favorite colors
[x] You love to be crazy and you do not care what people think about
[] makes sports fun
[x] sometimes you talk with your mouth full
[x] You sleep with socks
[] You have ever fished

your Girls page

[x] You Shopping
like [x] You wear eyeliner
[] You wear pink
[] You ask your mum for advice
[] You Cheerleading prefer in physical education
[] You hate it, only to black who
[x] You go like in shopping malls
[] You like manicures / pedicures
[] You like jewelry to wear
[] You cried when you watched "The Notebook"
[x] You have many skirts
[] Shopping is one of your favorite hobbies
[] You Star Wars
[hates you] gymnastics
[doing it] takes an hour to shower or to attract
[x] You smile more often as you should
[x] You have more than 10 pairs of shoes
[] Most of the time you think about your appearance after
[x] You like to wear dresses
[x] You like to use perfume or deodorant
[x] You like High Heels
[] As a child, have you played with dolls
[x] You like to put makeup on other
[] You like it in the spotlight to

Phew ... Jung 9 points, 10 points girl ... just yet! : D

If you also join in, but me posting the link in the comments (:

Thursday, November 18, 2010

Mens European Swim Suits

Marilena as white base?

Good evening my friends,
today I had a lot of fun with my Alverde Quad (:
My idea was that the gel eyeliner to use as a white base ... I'm not sure if it really needed something. The white is a bit brighter, but whether the effort is justified ... has any of you have tried?
Anyway ... although the Quattro "Nadja" yes has a somewhat limited color choice, I've very very in love with the dark color:) You can be blinded well, but also build up. It's just fun to make up with her!

The look is slightly more intense than in the photos, the lighting is that time of year, unfortunately not so great: (

Wednesday, November 10, 2010

Color Shirt With Grey Suit 2010


What I am doing grad: linocut and print. These are my first works, which I printed at home and without proper printing press. The press was sort of my 50 kg body ;-)

stupidity that I've only black Linolfarbe because I need more choices soon. The green one is acrylic paint, which has proved only partially.