Tuesday, August 31, 2010

Pokemon Soul Silver Roms English Mediafire

Bibuki Thanks:-D

This morning I was just there & away, when I was little Päcklein of Bibuki opened ... Who I stared at quirky-cute? Unmistakably this is the bäumig owl! Is not she great? Jenny von Bibuki makes way too tasty burgers and cakes (it is neither thick of it, or animals are harmed). And cactus you have to pour not ;-) Squeaking

new items so spend some Bibuki, for joy, and of course what to buy! :-)

Monday, August 30, 2010

Nike Basketball Shin Pad

station Scuol-Impression-Tarasp

Today I took the RhB (Rhaetian Railway) in my hometown Scuol to visit my Grandmother. It has become tiptop 87 and is still on his feet. Due also to the clear mountain air and the fact that she has a good sense of humor.

image of wikipedia.org

On station Scuol-Tarasp I have this old waiting room inscription found above a doorway: "3rd class waiting room."

Saturday, August 28, 2010

Azteca Warrior With Woman In Arms

May I introduce: Clemens interview fellow

pssst ... But he's asleep now -.-

Clemens is actually a Schlüpftagsgeschenk for a newborn. And this newborn child is raised vegan, which I am particularly pleased :-)

So, and now more ... kip chrrrrrr .....

Wednesday, August 25, 2010

How To Cover Pipes Pedestal Sink

If you like to learn more about me and want to bäumig: we were interviewed on DaWanda and here You can read it. I hope it is interesting and informative :-)

Today I gewerkelt mainly to key rings. If they do not become beautiful? The anticipation of a colorful autumn (my favorite season) can also be seen in it already. Well actually I been able to gain any season something beautiful, but in the fall I feel somehow "at home". Maybe because I was born in October? No idea. What then, is your favorite season?

Sunday, August 22, 2010

Crest Whitening Gel Expired

night market Impressions

2m ² colorful bäumig

Next time I'm
definitely return there when the Night Market held at the State Museum. The historical backdrop, the weather, the music, the atmosphere ... a great experience! Although for 5 hours behind his stand. The night market has compensated my rainy July-market clear. Thanks to the good people who have visited my tiny state (like my dad and my Mom ;-)) and also Rafi and Sandy, the mi have ch with delicious pizza, beer and b eim degradation actively supported!

And this was my test stand at home (with gamers as a seller * g *)

Wednesday, August 18, 2010

Best Brazalian Wax In Brampton

No chandeliers - a Kronbaumeler!

Today in Sweden discovered and found to be good. What looks like a chandelier is actually a mini-clothesline. For my many phone Baumeler the part of markets is particularly good because I never knew where to hang the otherwise all. On Kronbaumeler (which acts as the Sweden of course not so) have 16 Baumeler a place. Too bad that the thing is off ...

Tuesday, August 17, 2010

Columbus Mobile Pet Vaccination

so I'll hang on you

Since I (still) do not get key chains, because I order it still could not (edit: it's probably ok, if one is a bit impatient when you get after 7 days still no response to an inquire, right?), Have I myself was once an old lanyard from getting creative. No idea what you could do that, but it still looks good anyway:))

Monday, August 16, 2010

Upconverting Blu-ray Player

Vegan Nougat rings, oh!

A late-night iPhone-Pic was the dark quality to apologize ;-)

Saturday, August 14, 2010

A Poem With The Word Gold In It

night market in the National Museum on 21 August from 19 ° ° 12

my slight desperation (allegedly) not arrived items motivation to Germany was reason enough to sign me at short notice for the next night market.

This will take place on Saturday 21 August 19-24 Clock at the National Museum Zurich. In case of rain it is on 28.8. moved.

I'm looking at you:)

new feature I have my coffee then Käthen ...

Thursday, August 12, 2010


12 August

Haha, now I'll get it but actually even with 12 of 12 Also wanting the quality of the photos can bissel. In our small front garden, we have even cleaned out thoroughly. This is necessary when one is City resident. Since land that is often very strange things like socks or Godzilla. In the Seebadi Close is warned in the locker room with love. I think warnings always good. As one can adjust to almost anything. Cat Flash can not love too cold, he clings to like young plants. Mimmi cat shows her love with words. On the map is "the right partner makes you happy." From the window you see in our Godzilla Said City garden. Self-made, vegan chocolates complacent? August is now drawn up by rain, rain, rain. Since one can only look silly out in the café and sit around. The West Street or up to now affectionately called Peststrasse is currently car-free. It is now converted into a residential area. The houses are pitch black with soot, was ejected for years by rushing 40 Tönnes. Perhaps the road is called West soon hard road. White Musk - who knows yet? This bottle I found last week in my teen Kramkiste in the basement of my parents. She is 16 years old and still smells just as good. I revel in memories of a fragrant time. May I introduce, which is ninety-degrees, our cactus. And the next is me and my friend as a dwarf couple, designed by Sibylle Meier . And finally, my super-grandmother, who is still quick fidel shopping with the "Meat-is-Murder Case

:-) Have a nice rest of August you all!

Wednesday, August 11, 2010

Day Before Period Pregnant

bäumig 2 go!

I drink far too little. Faul drinking up to one more. Until I got the idea to tinker me a nice bottle. Now I get about 1.3 liters per day (coffee not included in the calculation). Not even the hammer, but some progress. And as for my life I like to sip coffee soy latte, it had also produce a matching mug. And just such a cup is now on sale in my shop. Let me introduce the Käthe coffee.

Saturday, August 7, 2010

Undigested Rice Grains

{Planta table - vegan cook} {

times like a vegan 3-course meal learn to cook? And then, of course, to enjoy, too? On 18 September, it is in Zurich for the first time so far. Under the name "Plantation table" to show you five vegans (including yours truly) that vegan cooking simple, healthy and above all delicious is. On our website you can you also sign the same. We look forward to an informative, fun and comfortable cooking evening with you! :-)

Thursday, August 5, 2010


A sleeping bag for the MacBook

The lousy weather, one can not do much more than to sit at home. And of course, to sew. Somehow I get now I feel like autumn-in-cuddly-ceiling Verwurschteln. I love the autumn. Is at least honest and reveals itself to us clearly in colorful leaves in warm tones. Not like the summer (what a summer?). Enough whining. As will also present my notebook in the coming semester chic, I once got a notebook sleeve created. I prefer it even for reasons of space to produce more smaller things. But as a shell, I wanted to try out a long time. The pattern I've always like himself devised. Maybe there times when the e-book or something ...