Thursday, October 1, 2009

Hymen Bleeding Vedios

Chicken of the Month "October"

This month we would like to again introduce a Hofhuhn that was interviewed by us and which has selected some wonderful works on its own to this one to present to the Stempelhühnerhof blog.

The chicken is the month of October liebemomo . A visit to her blog shows you immediately their wonderful, unique style. liebemomo enriched especially our non-cute area in the forum again and again with their great Cards.

Her course we have some questions, you can a little dmait they know you better.

first Since when do you stamp?
Since February 2008, only one stamp set from QVC with 4 flower and text, then 1 week later large orders in some online stores

second How did you discover this hobby?
I love to make the evening something "Gesäuseltes" to run on TV, so to speak, than sleeping pills substitute. So I did the QVC ladies let me sprinkle - that was a craft show with Christmas 3-D kits. I'm so in December 2007 ordered one, just so out of curiosity, then over the Christmas holidays for tips googled and came across "Billes Craft Corner" and the first forums. There, I've seen it the first time cards. And ... it was love at first sight! Anything so beautiful I wanted to do.

third Where can you inspire you?

forums, in the many blogs, newspapers, books, I also like how-to videos on YouTube (where you get yes from one to another).

4th What are your three wishes that you associate with this hobby?
-that I continue to find relaxation by
-own craft room (my office is reserved for the job) - maybe it is when my daughter is to study (she is now in the 12th)
-still a lot of nice contacts that would be great and even more personal level, but I'm unfortunately a little off

Monday, August 31, 2009

How To Fake Fever With An Ear Thermometer

Chicken of the month "September"

Although a day early, but for good reason, we present to you today just the new "chicken of the Month".
For the month of September, Elke (blue poppy) , which always surprised us with some wonderful and unusual plants and always decides to form new maps, as they would have done it forever. And why now just today?
Elke Happy birthday! The entire Hühnerhofvorstand happy birthday and wish you much continued creative ideas and happy stamping.

For me Elke is the stamper, which has probably the longest we motif stamps. In real stamp meeting, I am always amazed with what perseverance Elke on their cards is created and how many great works by and by. Also
Elke was interviewed and, of course, the answers I would not deprive you of course:

Since when do you punch?

exactly when I got my first Stamps bought, I did not even know. But it was at least 16 years.

How did you discover this hobby?

I was on a creative market in which all possible (and, unfortunately, impossible), crafts were offered. Small businesses were also represented, while just had one of the stamps and embossing powder. I think what else knew as emboss, you at that time. In any case, me - I have been making have always been very happy and everything (perhaps impossible) - the very fascinating and I bought my first stamp and two tins powder.
From computers let alone internet I did not know then and so much more was the Stempelchen or were there then but soon a few more rum, more or less in the drawer.
After we got our first computer in 2000, I discovered gradually the pages of stamp manufacturers (which at that time, however, also limited to first Hein Design) and at some point much later on a forum - well, and since then it has happened. From the little box was a box, then two, one day my old writing desk in the youth room has been promoted to stamp cabinet to the then joined one or the other shelf and now also had greater yield to a closet.

Where can inspire you remember?

I get my inspiration in the forum, on blogs, in newspapers etc.

What are your three wishes that you associate with this hobby? The

me the stamps still so much fun (all the other handicraft trends had yet run sooner or later). 2. Relaxation, distraction, balance, and 3 continue to meet so many nice, die enthusiastic people from all over the world, with whom you share the hobby and can interact so wonderfully

And finally, we must still show you a selection of Elke's wonderful works. Colorful mix of old and new, a selection of various styles. On her blog finds her more great ideas, its side always worth a visit to be inspired.

Saturday, August 22, 2009

Do You Need 2 Coaxial Cables For Hd Signal


Wipe is a great technique that produces very beautiful card .... but also the wiping edges and corners makes a great effect on maps. Therefore, we have 'wipe' this week in Stempelhuehnerhof in Samstagsinspiraton as a theme.

65 has made us a beautiful card to ... and there are already see some beautiful works in the thread ... stop by and join is worthwhile in any case!

Saturday, August 15, 2009

Drivers Motherboard Mv42v1.3 Via

summer in SI

What connects you with 'summer'?
flowers? Fruit? Beach? Lakes / ocean? or mountains? Show it to us ....
making us a card to ... in could Stempelhuehnerhof her inspiration in the Saturday show them and we look forward to very different ideas summer. Come now stop by ...
Beate has quickly had to ready an ATC ... Thanks Beate for your engagement knuddels * *.... Beate why it gets a card from me, you can use in the read Stempelhuehnerhof .....

Sunday, August 9, 2009

Are There Any Free Manga In Color

If Sundays, Saturdays ....

... * Blush * I've probably forgotten the Saturday Inspiration on Saturday to set * * lol ... but only here in the blog, in Stempelhuehnerhof you can read since yesterday, that we have a very emancipated subject. 'Self is the wife, "it says and what you make woman so myself, can read here HERE. Just as a little hint, it has something to do with the background ... and that's something women always need stamps ... or?

With the map of Beate (stempelomi) I will make you ever teased, for she has made a wonderful example .... ;-) See you soon in the SI ... Antje (Egypt)

Saturday, August 1, 2009

Stop Peach Fuzz Growing

Chicken of the Month "August"

love Hofhühner,

from today there will be a new section on our Hofblog: The chicken of the month.
To what these are, surely you can guess. Every month, a chicken, chosen and presented here on the blog. The choice of the chicken is arbitrary and is both well-known make chicken, and chicken rather quieter, but still participating in regular activities or the forum of life.

First, we want to present you the Hofhuhn which allows us this wonderful forum has:


Daisy71 has answered some questions about our favorite hobby, and of course there to see some pictures of various works.

first Since when do you stamp?

since 2004/2005

second How did you discover this hobby?

My Wedding I stamped and embossed in the spring of 2004, and then I went in the wedding preparations to craft some forums encountered. Here I discovered after marriage, what you can do with stamps and give me for Christmas 2004, the first PBs can. have loose-Right I then starting in 2005.

third Where can you inspire you?

Preferably in everyday life, as of colors, shapes and structures that are found everywhere. So I have to go as fast once a card up in the head. I like to sit here in my chaos between the materials and residue sliding back and forth. Or am I draw my sketches, if I can put anything on a timely basis. I also enjoy browsing in the free time like to die in books, as is also occasionally set a detail that it often comes only months later to use. I look on blogs also, but often I miss it just the time.

4th What are your three wishes, that you associate with this hobby?

that I have a lot more fun stamps.
fact that we are here in the forum so much fun together.
A fully enclosed wall unit for my basement craft.

Are Rolling Machines Gay

SI - look at you look around on your desk ...

I have my sister here at the moment * happy * and she brought me a new stamp * happy *, we wanted to try something like ... as we are on 'Supplies' came, you can read HERE and there in STEMPELHUEHNERHOF could you also look at all the great works which result more ...

Monday, July 27, 2009

Is An Hiv Rapid Test Accurate After 3 Months

HF 22.7.-5.8.2009

stampers love!

You are again invited to develop your creativity;)

Ilona has given us this extraordinary location provided

"pig pink" was autumn eight first impression of this photo - so we created this map

more works you see, as always in Stempelhühnerhof , we're happy as to meet :-)

Saturday, July 25, 2009

Virtual Try On A Wedding Dress

... Inspiration and again one Saturday!

This time it is called HG = VG .... which means background = foreground .... This means that the same stamp for the background, for use as the main subject in the foreground is .....
Be inspired ..... and here you can upload your works and also lots of ideas and see examples of our users .... Have fun.

Ilonka schonmal made us a great example of map ... which also brokered a nice holiday feeling .... simply GREAT!!

Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Black Death Bleeding Under Skin


to Life had asked the recipe card exchange ring. Each

designed in the sections
- Soup
- Accrual
- cake / pie
- Cookies / Biscuits
pasta dish - salad
- Dessert
- for the grill
- Cocktail
a recipe card in A5 format.

Here is the thread where you will also find the album to be set in which gradually obtained the cards.

Many thanks to the participants to enjoy watching and imitating!

Saturday, July 18, 2009

What Age Did You Start Getting Brazilian Wax

SI - Stehkarte2

It's Saturday again and time for a new inspiration in Stempelhuehnerhof !
had been almost a year we schonmal a floor map, so this is now called Stehkarte2 .... the difference of the 1. to the 2 Standing card is that you have here a complete Kartenflaeche decorate (A6) for. I found this great topic, because we give our cards but an awful lot of work and hope that they are kept a little and looked at .... HERE you can find how to do it and could make the beautiful examples of the user look and get inspired .... Have fun!

model-making rabbit has made us the first target and I thank her here again for their great card and the sinister effort that has embraced it for us * thicker cuddle *

Monday, July 13, 2009

Best Crusing Spots In Michigan

SI, Not one word!

The theme of the SI Stempelhuehnerhof this time is quite simple - 'Not one word! " ... nothing written, no number - NOTHING .... simply concentrate on a beautiful location .... well, now that would be what? ... Come and join us HERE to go directly to the link in the yard ....
Beate (Stempelomi) has made us a beautiful presentation for exciting - Thank you, dear Beatrice, I like it Supergut!

Friday, July 10, 2009

Star Wars Cake Vancouver

court photographer from 8 to 22.7.

Mona gave us this beautiful water lily Photo provided ...

Inspired by the theme has Mariann following romantic card, where you can discover many interesting details have, canceled

The beautiful interior of this map and the works of other forum members as you can always look on the Stempelhühnerhof .

We look forward to your visit!

Saturday, July 4, 2009

Breast Cancersore Shoulder

SI - Facts

Any talk of the economic crisis - we process them * laughs * ... we want to see this week PAY the SI in Stempelhuehnerhof - yep!

can be as Pacys great card, a birthday number ... one could come to but superior to other numbers games ... what? Check it out in SI thread ... I think there again great ideas on how to handle numbers .....